# ✉️ Email

Our currently active accounts:

  • team@ubclaunchpad.com - access granted to Launch Pad presidents only.
  • strategy@ubclaunchpad.com - access granted to strategy members. All mail is forwarded to team@ubclaunchpad.com as well for visibility.

Credentials are available in the ubclaunchpad/exec repository. Both accounts are managed by the team@ubclaunchpad.com GSuite account.

When using a ubclaunchpad.com email, you are representing the club as a whole, not yourself. With that in mind, we have the following policies:

  • All third-party accounts should be tied to team@ubclaunchpad.com, and not any other account. This gives us the ability to recover lost accounts and track active accounts we have.
  • Do not create new GSuite users - each user increases our cost, while making it difficult to track down where things are and hand off assets appropriately.
  • Do not create new email aliases - similar to users, aliases increases confusion when dealing with users. Definitely do not create aliases for yourself, such as mygreatname@ubclaunchpad.com.

To aid in organization, you can create filters that apply labels to incoming emails.

# Troubleshooting

# Suspicious sign-in

Since email accounts are shared, Google frequently suspects that we are hackers. To bypass a suspicious sign-in block, ask one of the presidents to disable login challenges temporarily. To do this:

  1. Log in to the GSuite admin console
  2. Go to Users and select the relevant user
  3. Go to Security and click "Login challenge" to temporarily disable it